Building a Business Day 18: The Belief Game

Business is a game just like everything else in life. The school game is played…

Everything Starts with Intention

What do you intend to do? There is always an intention even though it may be…

No Regrets

Regrets are for when you didn't learn anything. Every negative outcome is…

How to Do What You Love

Don't try. You won't love what you pick. Search for the thing that pulls the…

Uncomfortable Conversations

“A person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of…

The Hardest Thing I've Ever Done

I'm taking a short break from my Building a Business series because I have…

Building a Business Day 17: Finishing Things

The main purpose of finishing something is so that you can go on to a bigger…

Building a Business Day 16: A New Camera

I got a new camera today. The one I had before was a Canon T6i, which is…

Building a Business Day 15: Goals for the Week

Sunday is a great day to set goals for the week. I like to take it slow during…

Building a Business Day 14: Daily Blogging

Daily blogging during this process is difficult. I knew it would be at some…

Building a Business Day 13: The Eye

When you sell something consistently, you develop an eye for it. Since I'm…

Building a Business Day 12: Marketing

I talk about sales a lot but how do leads come in? For us, it has mostly been a…