Don't Live in the Middle

Leaders live in extremes. They take definitive positions and they stand up for…

Solar Eclipse Glasses?

There is a total solar eclipse happening on Monday, August 21st. It’s an…

People Are Willing to Give You Their Time

I always used to be afraid to ask for someone to give me their time. This was…

The Value of Telling Your Story

I started my blog almost a year ago. After writing regularly for 11 months,…


Death is what makes life valuable.

Late Night Blogging Haiku

Late night blog again Too tired to write a whole post This is the result.

Everything Starts with Intention

What do you intend to do? There is always an intention even though it may be…

No Regrets

Regrets are for when you didn't learn anything. Every negative outcome is…

How to Do What You Love

Don't try. You won't love what you pick. Search for the thing that pulls the…

Uncomfortable Conversations

“A person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of…

The Hardest Thing I've Ever Done

I'm taking a short break from my Building a Business series because I have…

Early Morning Flight

Early morning flight With coffee and ideas Results in a nap