Debt as a Psychological Asset
Debt is, by definition, the opposite of an asset. But it doesn't have to be. A…
How I Got a Paid Apprenticeship With One of the Best Videographers in my City
4 months before getting hired, I had never been paid to make a video. Video…
Work Will Solve All of Your Problems
I paced back and forth on the sidewalk, looking at my feet. I glanced up--this…
Why Buying an RV was the Best Career Decision I’ve Ever Made
A little over a year and a half ago, I had a tough career decision to make.…
Why I Don't Carry Business Cards
"Do you have a card?" We've all heard this dreadfully redundant line thrown…
Introducing my New Side Project: Project Every Week
I work with a lot of business owners. Most of them are trying to hire good…
Figure it Out, or Make an Excuse for Why you Can't
If I could go back to my 18-year-old self and give one piece of advice, it…
Wearing a Suit to Work is Weird
The idea of wearing a suit to work has always been weird to me. Suits are…
Sometimes It’s OK to Do Stuff You Hate
Advice 1: Don’t do stuff you hate. Advice 2: Grind through the bullshit to get…